Beauty behemoth Avon under criticism over ties to Russia

Beauty behemoth Avon under criticism over ties to Russia

The massive beauty company Avon has faced criticism for keeping ties with Russia in spite of the conflict in Ukraine.

Found that the company is still hiring new sales representatives nationwide and is carrying on with production at a sizable plant in the Moscow area.

Thirty years ago, Avon is a UK-based company began conducting business in Russia. it offers critical support to women whose businesses are their source of income.

The 137-year-old company is most renowned for its door-to-door salespeople who personally explain how to use its creams, perfumes, and cosmetics.

But in recent years, the business has changed placing a greater emphasis on physical stores and sales through social media.

When the crisis in Ukraine first started, Avon declared that it was going to stop investing and exporting its cosmetics from Russia to other countries, including Ukraine.

The Brazilian corporation Nature & Co the parent company of Avon had previously stated that it was simply keeping up local operations to support its sales representatives, who depend on their business.

where new hires are provided incentives including cash bonuses and vacation time in exchange for meeting targets. We believe restricting their access to products would have an outsize impact on women and children there.

Russian nationals over the age of 18 can create their own life as beauty experts and provides them with access to iconic, high-quality products in addition to earning extra money.

Additionally, a local contact placed an order with Avon Ukraine to confirm whether or not exports from Russia had been halted. Five products that were previously identified as being manufactured in the Naro-Fominsk plant close to Moscow were ordered; they were all marked as being made in Poland.

As stated previously, Natura & Co. has no financial advantage to the company’s presence in Russia. David McConnell started the business in the United States in 1886. He did scent mixing in a modest New York office.

The 2020 acquisition of Avon by Natura & Co. was regarded as a historic agreement, forming the fourth-largest conglomerate of cosmetics companies globally.

March 2025
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