BUET Students Can’t Join Any Political Organization

The BUET administration has announced that no student will be permitted to become engaged with any political organization, following a five-year ban on student politics on campus.
BUET Registrar Professor Forkan Uddin stated in a press release released yesterday that the goals of this decision are to maintain the standard of instruction, guarantee the accurate assessment of merit, and improve BUET’s reputation in the global academic community.

“With the exception of clubs and societies that have received university approval, no student at this university may be a member of the affiliate body of any political party or other organization.
The director of BUET’s Department of Student Welfare (DSW), Professor Al Amin Siddiqui, provided commentary on the new policy stating that it was previously in place in accordance with Section 16 of the Board of Residence and Discipline of the BUET Ordinance. Permission from the DSW was necessary for students to interact with any political organization. Now, every student is subject to this rule.”