Father of Hundreds of Children: Telegram Chief Pavel
Recently, the founder of the social media Telegram, Pavel Durov, was arrested by the French police. He was arrested at Paris airport on Saturday. Billionaire Pavel of Russia has been arrested for his involvement in a crime related to the Telegram app, the country’s police said. Ever since his arrest, there have been many speculations about him.
One of them is the father of hundreds of children. On Tuesday, a CNN report revealed many unknown facts about Pavel’s life, along with analysts Mark Zuckerberg’s technical knowledge.
And Abundance finds parallels between Jack Dorsey’s eccentric lifestyle and Elon musk’s freedom-seeking activities. Also, like Elon musk, he also believes in the idea of giving birth to more children, that’s why he is also known as Elon musk of Russia. Meanwhile, last July, Pavel said he was 15 years old. Fathered more than 100 children by donating sperm In an interview given to Telegram, he said that his children are spread over 12 countries He has a net worth of 915 million dollars He has passports of at least seven countries including France, United Arab Emirates and Russia.
With homes in several countries, Pavel has enjoyed personal freedom by not living in a specific country for nearly a decade, avoiding government surveillance.