First new asthma attack treatment in 50 years
As the first major breakthrough in more than 50 years, a ground-breaking asthma medication has garnered media attention. Benralizumab , a biologic medication, is demonstrating revolutionary potential in the treatment of severe asthma. By decreasing their prevalence in the airways, this medication targets eosinophils, inflammatory cells that cause severe asthma attacks.

Important results from the SHAMAL research, which assessed 208 patients throughout Europe, showed that 92% of participants were able to successfully cut back on their use of high-dose inhaled steroids, and more than 60% completely stopped using them.
In addition to maintaining asthma control, the medication decreased the risk of long-term steroid-related side effects such osteoporosis, diabetes, and cataracts. Specialist asthma centers sell Benralizumab , which is given by injection every 4–8 weeks.
This innovation was carried out by prestigious institutions with AstraZeneca’s help.