Following negative tests, LeBron James is cleared by the NBA’s Covid-19 health and safety guidelines.
Following a brief period of isolation from his squad as a result of the NBA’s Covid-19 health and safety standards, LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers has been cleared to play again.
Since being declared ineligible to play on Tuesday, James has submitted negative results from PCR tests, the NBA said in a statement.
“James was originally placed in the Protocols on Tuesday, November 30 after a series of tests delivered conflicting results, including an initial positive test that was collected on November 29. Additional testing confirmed that he is not a positive case,” the statement said.
“In accordance with the Protocols, and the consistent testing practice that has been in place since the 2019-20 Season Restart in Orlando, the sample that produced the initial positive test was re-run twice and returned one negative and one positive result on two different PCR instruments. As a result, James underwent additional testing on November 30, with one test returning a negative result and a second test resulting in a clinically inconclusive result.”
According to the league’s guidelines, a player who tests positive with Covid-19 may be allowed to return if he tests negative for the virus twice in a row, separated by at least 24 hours. If not, after a positive test, the player has to isolate themselves for a minimum of ten days.
James, who was initially dubious, has openly acknowledged that he got the vaccination.