India’s Benapole Port has 5 Days of Import-Export Closure during Durga Puja

During the next autumn Durga Puja, Benapole land port will be closed to import and export from the two bordering nations for five days in a row. Passenger traffic, meanwhile, will continue as usual.
Trade between imports and exports will resume on October 14.
According to Sajeev Nazir, during the fall Durga Puja, import and export through the Petrapol-Benapole land port will be prohibited for five days, from October 9 to October 13.

“The passage of passengers with passports will be normal, even though the import and export between the two countries is stopped through Benapole land port,” stated Imtiaz Bhuiyan, the officer in charge of the Benapole Immigration Police.
TAGS International