How Sheikh Hasina’s demise was mentioned in the textbook
The Public Educational plan and Course book Board (NCTB) has restored the 2012 educational plan, turning around the instructive changes started during the residency of previous State leader Sheik Hasina. The reexamined course books have consolidated different occasions from the July development, including pictures, kid’s shows, and other related content.
In the new educational program, it is referenced that on Walk 26, the announcement of Bangladesh’s freedom was made, and the next day, another statement was communicated by means of ether waves by Major Ziaur Rahman on the side of the announcement.
The new course books likewise incorporate a tale about Sheik Hasina’s administration falling and her escaping to India when she left her authority home, Ganabhaban. These books were dispersed to understudies on January 1 toward the beginning of the scholastic year.

The books depict the fall of Sheik Hasina’s administration as follows:
“On that day, August 5, 2024 — 36th July. The schedule of Bangladesh had halted in July. The entire world was watching Bangladesh. The fighting understudies and individuals had introduced a one-point interest. Individuals from everywhere the nation were hurrying to Dhaka. They would encompass Ganabhaban. They would oust the fundamentalist ruler sticking to drive. In spite of the time limit, individuals should have been visible headed to Uttara. Individuals were gradually assembling at Jatrabari. The group expanded. By early afternoon, the majority arrived at Ganabhaban. Detecting the impending fall, the despotic pioneer escaped the country.”
The part further makes sense of that the public authority held onto power through a fake political decision toward the beginning of 2024. It additionally features the commitment of understudies from private colleges, schools, universities, and madrasas in expelling the Hasina government.
The book makes reference to that after the public authority shut the dorms of Dhaka College, the development might have lost energy. Be that as it may, understudies from private colleges, schools, universities, and madrasas approached in huge numbers to proceed with the dissent.
In the section named “Our New Brilliance,” the account tends to the well established misrule during the Awami Association’s residency. It talks about boundless torment, vanishings, and killings for even minor requests. It likewise examines the plundering of banks and other monetary organizations throughout the long term.
It further notices that the previous government’s essential device for keeping up with its dictator rule was the narrative of the Freedom War. Notwithstanding, individuals before long found that some supposed conflict veterans had been brought into the world after the conflict and had gotten bogus testaments to acquire work benefits. The public authority endeavored to conceal every one of the abnormalities and wrongdoings with the account of “infrastructural improvement.”
It is likewise noticed that subsequent to being removed in a famous uprising, Sheik Hasina escaped the country to India, where she has remained from that point onward.