How to Clean a Laptop Screen: A Step-by-Step Guide

Due to regular use, the laptop screen becomes dirty due to dust and fingerprints. Sneezing or coughing can also cause germs to hit the screen. It is also difficult to work on a dirty screen. Especially if the laptop is touch screen. Jessica, an expert at the American Cleaning Institute, said that it is important to clean the laptop screen as soon as you see dust or dirt. If someone has dust allergies or breathing problems, the screen needs to be cleaned more frequently. Can be cleaned in a few easy steps without damaging the screen.

First, use a dry microfiber cloth to wipe away any loose dust that has accumulated on the screen. If dirt and stains still remain, go to the next step. Wipe the screen lightly with a corner of a microfiber cloth soaked in water. Wipe in a circular motion starting from the center. If the stain is still not completely removed, clean it with a cleaner. To clean PC screens, soak a microfiber cloth in a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar. Wipe the screen thoroughly. Laptop screen cleaners are also available in the market. You can use them if you have long-term stains.

Do not spray the cleaner directly on the laptop screen. David Whalen, founder of TechHub Denver, said direct spraying can cause liquid to spill into cracks in the display and damage internal components. Never rub the screen with a paper napkin or something scratchy. Always clean the laptop screen using a clean and dry microfiber cloth. Microfiber cloth is woven with very small fibers, which reduces the chance of scratching or damaging the screen. But even with microfiber it’s important to be careful not to apply too much pressure. This can damage the embedded sensors, especially on the touch screen.