New Study Claims More Evidence Is Neededto Prove the Possibility of Human Extinction

New Study Claims More Evidence Is Neededto Prove the Possibility of Human Extinction

Monday, August 1, 2022 – A new analysis has shown that the available evidence on climate catastrophe leading to human extinction comes mostly from science books and not scientific research. The analysis claims that enough attention has not been given to the possible extreme outcomes due to warming temperatures and climate change. 

The analysts also mentioned that warming temperatures are not the only environmental catastrophe that should be noted. Other important factors include food and financial crises, epidemics, and conflicts. They emphasized the need to identify tipping points that could trigger a sudden increase in the rate of warming temperatures. 

According to the researchers, most scientific research has been limited to studying the effect of warming temperatures between 1.5 and 2 degrees because of the Paris Accords. However, to properly assess the risk that humanity could face, the analysts say it is important to understand “worst case scenarios” and consider emergency options for possible outcome

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