Nobel laureate Claudia Goldin on the employment of women.

Women are significantly underrepresented in the worldwide labor force and when they do work they earn less than males. Claudia Goldin has shown how and why gender disparities in employment and pay have evolved over time in the US. In the 19th and 20th centuries married women’s participation declined as society moved from an agrarian to an industrial one but it grew as the service sector expanded. In order to explain this tendency Goldin cited changes in societal norms and structural shifts affecting women’s roles in the house and family.

For their accomplishments that have brought the greatest good to humanity, eleven laureates were given the Nobel Prize in 2023. Their research and findings encompass a wide range of topics including the development of efficient mRNA vaccines, attosecond physics and initiatives to combat gender inequality.
The Aula Magna at Stockholm University hosted Claudia Goldin’s award talk on December 8, 2023. A member of the committee for the Alfred Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. Professor Peter Fredriksson gave her an introduction.