Pandemic Cases of Coronavirus Top 100 Million in Europe
Data from the Johns Hopkins Corona virus Resource Center show that since the pandemic started over two years ago, there have been more than 100 million corona virus cases in Europe. There have been around 290 million cases reported worldwide.
Because of the extremely contagious omicron variety, 17 of the 52 nations or territories that make up Europe established new records for the number of cases in a single day, accounting for about 5 million of the cases that have been reported in the last seven days, according to Agency France-Presse on Saturday.
France, the sixth nation to confirm more than 10 million cases since the pandemic started, joined the United States, India, Brazil, Britain, and Russia with more than a million of those cases documented, according to Reuters.
India’s health ministry said on Saturday that there were 22,775 new corona virus cases in the nation, bringing the total number of omicron variants to 1,431. However, public health professionals have cautioned that the COVID-19 numbers in the nation are probably underestimated.
As the omicron strain of the corona virus spreads around the world, the Sydney Morning Herald reported on Saturday that paramedics in the Australian state of New South Wales had a “record breaking” volume of calls overnight, leading to its busiest night in 126 years.
The calls included “the usual business of New Year’s Eve—alcohol-related cases, accidents, obviously mischief—and then we had COVID on top of that,” according to New South Wales Ambulance Inspector Kay Armstrong, who spoke to the newspaper. Paramedics reportedly received “time-wasting calls from people wanting COVID-19 test,” according to The Herald.