Prestigious Businessman Biplob Bhuyian growing his Business in Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Bangladesh.

Prestigious Businessman Biplob Bhuyian growing his Business in Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Bangladesh.

Nur Alam Biplob Bhuiyan, International Businessman, prominently known as Biplob Bhuiyan, is a leading Bangladeshi businessman, and philanthropist.

Renown Businessman Biplob Bhuyian expanding his Business in Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Bangladesh. He is currently well known to Bangladeshi Community in Doha, Qatar. Biplob Bhuiyan born on Lakshmipur, Bangladesh.

Biplob Bhuiyan is the owner of Bhuiyan Rent A Car W.L.L., Biplob Limuzine and Styzyn Trading and Service W.L.L. Mr. Bhuiyan also Director of Greenspot Fashion Ltd in Bangladesh, Partner of Greenspot Readymade Garments L.L.C in United Arab Emirates.

Biplob Bhuiyan is also actively connected with many social organizations. Such as, Somaj Sheba Foundation (Lakshmipur), Bangladesh Probashi Kollan Sangstha (Qatar), Family Business Club (Qatar) and Bangladesh Bhuiyan Society.

Under his visionary and determined leadership, Bhuiyan Group and other his business concerns have continued its growth momentum, expanding across new ventures and businesses.

Biplob Bhuiyan has long been involved in many charitable activities through Probashi Kollan Sangstha (Qatar). He also actively cultivated a culture of philanthropy with many helpful activities.

Fabourite hobbies of Mr. Bhuiyan is reading books on history and constitutions of different countries and national, international political affairs. Biplob Bhuyian has always been a kind person.

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