Blast from a gas cylinder on Bailey Road

At least 44 people were murdered in a devastating fire on Thursday night in the capital’s Bailey Road where the seven-story Green Cozy Cottage building had gas cylinders strewn down its single stairway.
Director General of Fire Service said that there was no emergency exit in the building either. Gas cylinders were stored on all floors including the stairs with the exception of the second story. He mentioned that they believe the fire may have been started by a gas leak or a stove.
A terrible fire on Thursday night claimed the lives of at least 44 individuals and seriously injured over 20 people more.

Seventy individuals were evacuated by firefighters from the rooftop and various floors of the seven-story Green Cozy Cottage, including forty-two who were unconscious.
The fire broke out at the restaurant named Kacchi Bhai on the first floor around 9:45pm. Many people were dining in the restaurants when the fire spread to other floors.
Most of the people died as they jumped off the building or from burns or suffocation, said firefighters who brought the fire under control around 12:30am.
Fire officials say the blaze spread fast due to the presence of gas cylinders on several floors in the restaurant kitchens. People could not leave the building due to smoke in the staircase.