The Price of Hilsa in the Market has Increased Due to the Reduced Supply in Bangladesh

In local markets around Barisal and Cox’s Bazar, the price of hilsa has increased due to a declining supply and a rising demand.
Hilsa weighing between 800 and 1,000 grams in Barisal suffered a price increase of Tk 100 per kilogram, additional price increases of Tk 200 are anticipated in the upcoming weeks. A similar situation occurred at the Cox’s Bazar Fish Landing Station, where traders’ intense competition drove up wholesale prices.

Hilsa weighing 800-900 grams was going for Tk 64,000 a maund at Barisal’s Port Road wholesale fish market, up from Tk 60,000 the week before. A maund of larger hilsa cost between Tk 68,000 and Tk 73,000. Hilsa measuring one kilogram or more are currently being sold for Tk 1,500 per kilogram, while those weighing eight hundred to nine hundred grams are marketed at Tk 1,300.
Bimal Chandra Das, the Barisal District Fisheries Officer, acknowledged the price increase and cautioned that it is likely to continue.
The Cox’s Bazar Fishing Trawler Owners’ Association echoed concerns about the low supply, with Secretary Delwar Hossain blaming both the Bay’s weather conditions and the export push for the price hike.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Commerce has decided to export 3,000 tons of hilsa to India for Durga Puja.
On September 21, a letter from the ministry authorized the export of 3,000 tons of Hilsa this year, with exporters required to submit relevant documents by September 24.