Today is SSC exam for twenty lakhs twenty-four thousand candidates, under the Ministry of Education’s directives

Exams for the SSC and its equivalent begin on Thursday, February 15. Currently, there are twenty-four thousand and ninety-two applicants registered for the SSC, Dakhil, SSC (Vocational) and Dakhil (Vocational) examinations. Participants will be students from 29,735 educational institutions. There will be 3,700 locations where this test is administered.
Meanwhile, all coaching facilities throughout the country will be closed from February 13 to March 12 for SSC and equivalent exams.
The secretary is the only person allowed to use cell phones or other unapproved electronic devices in the examination facility, per the decision made during the meeting. The union secretary is able to use a regular (feature) phone but is unable to browse the internet or take images. Unauthorized uses of phones or other devices will face consequences in accordance with the regulations. Question papers cannot be transported by officers, instructors or other staff members who are receiving them from the Treasury or a police station. Additionally, no phone or black glass microbus of any kind may be used to transport question papers.

Additionally, each center will have an Executive Magistrate and a Tag Officer assigned to it. Together with the Central Secretary the Tag Officer will retrieve the questions from the Treasury or police station custody and bring all of the question paper sets to the center under police protection. The question set code will then be made public twenty-five minutes prior to the exam’s start. As a result the Central Secretary, Tag Officer and Police Officer will all sign the envelope containing the question papers.
According to the Ministry of Education, law enforcement and other government departments would step up their monitoring of rumors pertaining to the social media question paper leak or the actions of organizations that are actively involved in this matter. Strict legal action will be taken by law enforcement and district administration against those who leak question papers or give answers to candidates. It is strictly forbidden for instructors, students and staff to use watches, pens or any other electronic equipment that is not permitted to be used in the test center within 200 yards of the examination center, including mobile phones. Those who disobey this instruction will face swift consequences.