Today is the holy Sabbath

Today is the holy Sabbath

Sha’ba Barat or Mid-Sha’ban (Arabic: نصف شعبان, transliterated: Nisfe Shaban) or Lailatul Barat is an important Muslim night celebrated between the 14th and 15th of the Hijri month of Sha’ban. [1] In the subcontinent this night is called Shaba Barat. According to Islamic belief, Allah especially forgives his servants on this night. Many Muslims in different parts of the world observe Shabbat through Nafal Ibadah. In many regions, prayers are organized on this night to seek forgiveness from Allah for their dead ancestors.

Vocabulary: The 15th night of the month of Sha’ban has different names in different regions. The designations are based on two factors:

Middle Sha’ban or half Sha’ban, named after the position of the day in the month of Sha’ban, the eighth month of the Islamic calendar.

Nim Sha’ban in Iran and Afghanistan.

Arabic speakers say Nisaf Sha’ban.

Malay speakers say nisfu sha’ban; etc.

The night of Barat, the word Barat in Persian means fate, distribution, appointed.

Lailatun Nifsi Min Sha’ban                        

Lailatul prayer.

Turkic speakers say Birat Qandili.

In the Indian subcontinent it is called Shabbat Barat, Nisfu Shaban etc.

The source: Shabbat is a Persian word which is why this word is not used in Arabic. However, the month of Shaban is important. The middle date of the month of Shaban is important.

Hadith: The term used for ‘Shab Barat’ in Hadith is Nisaf Sha’ban or Lailatun Nisfi Min Sha’ban i.e. Midnight of Sha’ban. It is said in a hadith,

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, Allah reveals Himself in the night of mid-Shaban and forgives all of His creation except the polytheists and the envious.

It is described in various Sahih Hadiths that Muhammad (PBUH) used to observe more nafal fasts in this month. Fasting in the month of Shaban was his favorite. He used to observe nafal fast from the first to the 15th of Emmaus and sometimes for almost the entire month of Sha’ban. When he was asked about this, he said,

In this month, people’s deeds are raised to Rabbul Alamin. And I love that my deeds be lifted while I am fasting.

Meaning: On the authority of Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (RA), he said that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: When the night of mid-Shaban comes, you will pray at night and fast during the day. Because Allah Ta’ala descends in the sky of the world after sunset and says: Is there anyone who asks for forgiveness, I will forgive him. Is there any Rizq supplicant I will donate Rizq. Is there any person who is in danger, I will give him health. This is said till dawn. (Ibn Majah and Baihaqi)

Virtues of Shabbat: Shabbat is a glorious night of mercy and liberation. On this night, Almighty Allah opens the door of mercy. Forgives sinners generously. He forgives everyone except those who associate partners with Allah and those who harbor enmity in their hearts. On the authority of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA), the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, ‘When the night of half of Sha’ban comes before you, offer the prayer and fast the next day. Allah Ta’ala descends to the first sky after sunset on this night. Then he continued to call out—Is there an apologist among you? I will forgive him. Are there any sustenance seekers among you? I will give him sustenance. Are any of you in danger? I will remove his danger. It continues like this until Fajr rises.’ (Sunan Ibn Majah: 1388)

Shabbat period, Nafal Ibadat: Spending the night in prayer, recitation of the Qur’an, repentance, istighfar and asking for forgiveness. All deeds of Shabbat are useless. And it is better to perform the Nafal deeds in one’s own house with concentration.

Fasting: On the authority of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA), the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “When the night of the middle of Sha’ban comes before you, perform Qiyaam (prayer) on it and fast the next day.” (Ibn Majah: 1388)

Asking for forgiveness for the dead: Narrated Ayesha (R.A.), I went out in search of Rasulullah (S.A.W.) one night. Suddenly I saw that he was in the rest of the cemetery. He said, ‘(O Aisha) do you fear that Allah and His Messenger may oppress you?’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, I think you have gone to another wife.’ Allah Almighty comes to the sky of the world in the night of half of Shaban and

He forgives more people than the wool of the goats and sheep of the tribe of Kalb.’ (Tirmidhi: 739; Ibn Majah: 1389).

March 2025
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