What should eat in summer season in Bangladesh?

What should eat in summer season in Bangladesh?

In Bangladesh, the summer heat is going on right now. Doctors and nutritionists give various suggestions to stay healthy during this time. There are certain foods, which can increase body temperature and feel hot. Doctors and Nutritionists are shares some such foods.

Coconut water: Coconut water plays a very important role in replenishing the body’s water deficit and maintaining electrolyte balance. But for most people it is almost impossible to buy and eat dub every day. In that case we can drink saline water as an alternative.

Lemon water: Drinking lemon juice during hot season will relieve body fatigue. In that case lemon juice can be mixed with plain water and drunk. But those who do not have hypertension or high blood pressure can also use a little salt for taste.

Sour Yogurt: Sour yogurt can be consumed daily to keep the stomach healthy. Sour curd can be eaten alone and sour curd can be mixed with water or cucumbers can also be eaten with sour curd.

Less Spicy Food: While it is good to eat spicy food, less spicy food should be emphasized during hot season because they are easily digestible.

Vegetables: Gourd, snake-gourd, drumstick, vegetable stalks etc. If we are cooked and eaten in thin broth, it will provide the nutritional needs on the one hand but on the other hand, the body will not feel hot.

Fruits: Fruits should be eaten to meet the body’s water needs in summer. Strawberries, cucumber, jam etc. However, the market of Bangladesh is full of watermelons at this time. Hence, watermelon can be eaten as a summer fruit because watermelon contains 60 to 70 percent water.

Pure Water : There is no alternative to drinking pure water in summer because sodium and potassium are excreted from the body with sweat and urine during summer. A healthy person should drink three to three and a half liters or 12 to 13 glasses of water every day.

March 2025
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